
Come and Partner With Us

Quality Education

At Elimutab, we are passionate about improving the quality of education in Kenya and beyond. We believe that partnerships with like-minded organizations can help us achieve this goal more effectively. That’s why we are proud to have partnered with some of the leading publishers, e-learning applications content providers, financing partners, teachers, and tech support and repair centers in the industry.


Here are some of the partners we work with

Looking for Partners

At Elimutab, we are always looking for associates who share our vision of transforming the education sector. With these partnerships, we can offer our students access to the best resources and ensure that they have the best chance of success. We invite interested allies to reach out to us. Together, we can make a significant impact on the education sector in Kenya and beyond. Join us today and help us create a better future for the next generation.

Join Forces with Elimutab to Revolutionize Education Technology

Partner with Us Today!


Give your child the gift of learning with an Elimutab tablet today

In summary, Elimutab provide the perfects tools for enhancing learning in schools.Schools should choose Elimutab as their partner for educational tablets, projectors, interactive whiteboards, Chromebooks, laptops, and educational content apps because we offer customizable solutions, expert support, and a full range of educational technology to meet all of your school’s needs.
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